Thursday 11 April 2013

Man kills wife, son over fear of HIV

Eugene Maraventano, 64, called 911 on Saturday to report he had killed his wife, 63-year-old Janet Maraventano, days earlier.
He also told a dispatcher he had killed his 27-year-old son, Bryan.
Police in Goodyear, a suburb of Phoenix, say Maraventano told them he killed his wife because she had been ill, and he feared she would be diagnosed with cancer or with HIV.
He said he thought he may have contracted HIV from sleeping with prostitutes, and that he had given it to his wife.

After stabbing his wife while she slept in their home, he said he knocked on his son's bedroom door and used the 14-inch kitchen knife to stab him too.
Maraventano told police he worried how his son would fare on his own, and that he had concerns the man was mentally disabled because he had no girlfriend, could not keep a job, and played video games all day.
Maraventano then tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide over the next few days, but eventually gave up and called police.
"I killed my wife and I killed my son," police documents quote him as telling a 911 dispatcher.
He was treated in hospital for injuries suffered in his failed suicide attempts, and is currently being held in jail on $2m bond.
Court documents do not reveal whether Maraventano is HIV-positive.

Source: Sky News

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