Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Mastery Or Slavery?

The world at our finger tips, bowing to us and doing our every will, all that we have ever hoped for and so much more. Are we the lucky generation or the unlucky ones?

There is so much that we have been given and so much that we push ourselves to achieve, but despite all that we have created for ourselves and all we inspire and dream of, rebuilding the entire world and making man "god".
Afterall we say that to whom much is given, much is expected, we fly, we speak to the air and are understood, we cure ourselves and dream of days we can rebuild ourselves. 
Man has created a home for himself and built everything from scratch, but is there more to all that we see?? Will the technology that has become our slave soon rebel and try to take its own place or has it already?
Can we truly say that we are the master and decide everything, enjoying all the fruits of our labour, will generations unborn be thankful for all we have created or will they rue the time that they have been led to?
Planecrashes, strange sicknesses, Radiation exposures, air pollution, our immobility to do certain things without the aid of technology, who can we say is the true master and the true slave.
Despite all that we have achieved, have our lives been truely made easier, or are we so used to the goodies that we cannot tell when we are been pushed beyond our territories and living on borrowed time?
If technology decides to take a break for an hour, would the earth stand still too or would we find our way on our own?   Man considers himself lucky for how far he has come, but are we truely better off from how we use to live, have we found true happiness in all that we have made and created for ourselves?


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