Wednesday 24 October 2012

One Million Free Trash Bags for Sallah

So the Lagos State Waste Management Authority just announced that it will be giving away one million free trash bags to Lagos Residents.

Click below to read more

In a statement, LAWMA said distribution of the one million trash bags will be done through the 350 Private Sector Participants, PSP, operators and LAWMA Advocacy Group to ensure that refuse are properly bagged and disposed in covered bins. The PSP had also been mandated to ensure that every part of the state was free of waste during and after the celebration

“Bearing in mind that the festive season is usually characterised with a lot of commercial activities which tend to increase the volume of waste expected to be generated, the authority will make adequate provision of vehicles and personnel to complement the efforts of PSP operators,” the statement said.

LAWMA said street sweepers in the state have been mandated to be on duty during and after the Sallah, urging residents to also call the authority’s toll-free lines, 5577 and 07080601020, to pass information on waste.

Ola Oresanya, Managing Director of LAWMA, said: “We appealed to everyone living and doing business in the state to show patriotism by bagging and disposing their refuse with covered bins and at the same time enjoined motorists to drive carefully to save the lives of street sweepers working on major and inner roads.

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