'Sending poor North West my attorney's number. No one should have to go through life with a novelty name, not even a Kardashian.' - Suri's Burn Book
'Sorry North West, but I've never been a fan of One Direction.'
'We heard North West MONTHS ago. It's like an episode of House where it turns out that it actually was Lupus. What a let down.'
Omg!! Baby just entered the world and drama has already started....continue after the cut...
'Somewhere Blue Ivy is thinking, "My name isn't as bad now, is it"'
'oh good when kim and kanye’s daughter has her own fragrance it’ll be called “north, by north west”'
'The only way we can fix this and save North West is if we all change our names to North to make her feel perfectly normal.'
'Wait, #Kim and #Kanye named their kid NORTH WEST? This might be better than Blanket.'
'North West? Did Kim give birth to a baby or a compass?'
'whenever you're mad at your mom just remember she didnt name you north west'
'Kim and Kanye would have named their baby South West but that dang airline beat them to it!'
'So Blue Ivy got the stripper name, and North West got the direction to the strip club? Nice, team work.'
'Maybe I'm just getting punk'd.. Ashton.. Where you at? North west is a joke right?'
'Y'all making fun of North West for that baby's name but she going straight to the top.......... and slightly to the left.'
'North West? Way to almost spend a minute thinking of a name.'
'Her siblings "South", "Wild Wild" and "Mae" are coming soon...'
'We need to successfully abolish bullying before North West gets to 4th grade.'
'Kim and Kanye named their baby North West. It's one of the few things in Kim's life that hasn't gone south.'
'Not even Kim & kanye's fortunes combined could pay for the amount of therapy this kid will need for being named North West.'
'Too late to change to "Knorth?
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