Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Kanye West's Ex dishes on why she thinks Kanye is with Kim

Brooke tells The Sun

Kanye's Ex, Brooke Crittendon recently had a chat with The Sun and she shared why they broke up and why Kanye is with Kim Kardashian
“For Kanye, what other person besides Kim Kardashian is there? There’s Halle Berry, J-Lo and Beyonce but they are all taken. She fits into his brand.
“Part of being untouchable is having what other people want. It’s about saying, ‘Everybody wants her and she wants me’. That makes sense in Kanye’s world.
“I know he has had a thing with her for a while. I’m sure he watched her tape. After we broke up, we caught up as friends and he mentioned her, I knew something was there.
“In Hollywood, you cannot say ‘forever’. Them being together satisfies them for now.
“Having a baby ticks a box. She wanted kids and it’s his legacy.”
See more after the cut....

 About their relationship, Brooke says Kanye was incredibly insecure
“He was not macho - he needed you to be with him and needed your opinion. He was quite vulnerable.
“He was insecure as he couldn’t be with me every day. I got the impression he worried he wasn’t good enough for me. He needs people to tell him he is good and that he is needed and wanted.
“He wouldn’t start his show unless I was at the side of the stage. One night the show was delayed because he couldn’t find me.
“He refused to go on till I’d told him it was going to be OK.”

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