Thursday 13 December 2012

Kate Middleton Prank: Radion Station Under Investigation, Nurse Left Sucide Notes

According to TMZ:

The nurse in the Kate Middleton prank call scandal hanged herself with a scarf ... and left multiple suicide notes ... this according to officials in the U.K..

The London coroner handling the case told the court ... the body of Jacintha Saldanha was discovered by colleagues at her hospital living quarters, hanging from a wardrobe door.

The coroner says Saldanha had also suffered "some injuries to her wrist."

Officials also say the nurse left behind 3 notes ... two discovered near her body ... and one near her belongings. The contents of the notes have not been revealed to the media.

Saldanha was humiliated on a global scale in a radio prank carried out by 2 Australian DJs ... who pretended to be the Queen of England. Saldanha bought  their act and connected them to a nurse who was treating Kate Middleton.

The DJs have since been suspended and the station has canceled the radio show.

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