Thursday 11 October 2012

Author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" files for bankruptcy

Robert Kiyosaki, author of best-selling book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," has filed for bankruptcy.
Kiyosaki made the move after being wiped out by $24 million dollar lawsuit that he lost to the Learning Annex.
Kiyosaki himself is worth $80 million.  Now, instead of doing business under Rich Global LLC, he now does business under Rich Dad Co, another company that he owns.  Mike Sullivan, the CEO of Rich Dad, made it clear that Kiyosaki would not be putting any of his personal assets toward the judgement.

Eya...well considering all the financial principles in that sure he'l bounce back in no time!


Unknown said...

Whattttttt! How d mighty fall. Eeya he shuld start reading his own books shaparly!

longiiicho said...
