Monday 12 August 2013

Kris Jenner hits back at President Obama on Kim and Kanye comments

Protector and defender of the Kardashian clam, mum Kris Jenner is taking a swipe back at President Obama on a comment he made about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West when he sat down on an exclusive interview with Amazon.

Here's what he said:

The American Dream involved some pretty basic stuff. A home you could call your own. A good job where you felt some security. A good education, and the ability to get a higher education if you wanted to pursue it. People felt if they worked hard they could get there. I don’t think people went around saying to themselves, ‘I need to have a 10,000-square-foot house’. I think, there has also been a shift in culture. We weren’t exposed to the things we didn’t have in the same way that kids these days are.

There was not that window into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing, or where Kanye West was going on vacation, and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success.

Apparently this comment did not sit well with Kim's mother Kris Jenner and she responded to the President's comments on her show while chatting with Terrence J:

Read Kris's comments and watch the video after the a third party also had something to say.

 Here is her reply:
It’s really great that people aspire to get a great job, and I too wanted that when I was growing up, and when I had graduated from high school, I really wanted to work hard and succeed. But I wasn’t aware that you could only set the bar so high. And that we could only dream so big. I was taught ‘dream big, work hard and you can have whatever you wanted,’ right?

And another thing. I bet the President has some friends with 10,000 square feet houses and you probably wouldn’t mind going over there, Mr. President, while you were asking them to have a party for you, when you were campaigning for dollars to run for president. I find it so odd that he’s picking on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Kanye West doesn’t go on vacation ever […] and Kim Kardashian is the hardest working young lady in the world. She never sleeps, she never stops, she never slows down, and works so hard for what she’s got.  So I started thinking about her 10,000 square foot house and I thought, ‘Wow! Her job, affords her to live in a 10,000 square foot house.’ And I think, if I’m not mistaken, Mr. President’s job affords him to live in a 55,000 square foot house. So basically, my house would fit in his entry.

With all of that aside, you poke at someone and criticized someone for living a lifestyle. I’m sure when he grew up his dream was, ‘One day, I want to be the President of the United States and have a wonderful and fabulous life.’ And that was his dream. And I just  don’t think that we should put a cap on [what our dreams are]. Also, the thing I wanted to point out is that, we employ and give jobs to hundreds and hundreds of people just on Keeping Up With Kardashians alone and I think that’s a wonderful thing.

Ernest Owens over at The Huffington Post believes she took the Pres’ comments way out of context. He wrote:

When President Obama referred to the past generation in which “kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing, or where Kanye West was going on vacation, and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success,” how could you deny those claims? [...]

In many ways, your “empire” represents the shift in values that now has dampened the light of what is considered the American dream. What was once an idea shaped around getting a good home, a good job, and the possibility of higher education has been exploited for this idea of ultimate fame and immense fortune. It is a shame that even in college, many don’t recognize the opportunity that comes from an education but moreover the rewards and perks that come from the career they may get from it. [..]

The fact that you even tried to make the connection between your family’s aspirations for success and that of the President’s dreams of becoming the Commander-in-Chief is ludicrous.

Newsflash: unlike most families in this country, yours had a secure financial spot to launch your dreams.

Your family didn’t start from the bottom and raise themselves up… they capitalized from the notoriety of your late husband and the sex-tape controversy of one of your daughters. If neither of those aspects were in play, there would be no Kardashian empire.

If there is anything you all could get credit for is taking advantage the moment and attempting to make lemonade from the lemons of a public relations atrocity. Clever and opportunistic, I will give you that. But it would be foolish for anyone to consider your claim to fame as a model of the American dream and inspiration to middle class aspirations.

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