Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Acid Victim, Noami Oni: 2 of Her friends Arrested

Detectives investigating the acid attack on Victoria's Secret shop assistant Naomi Oni have arrested two of her friends.
It came after the probe had started to focus on whether Miss Oni lied about the incident – triggering angry denials from the 21-year-old.

But yesterday police said they had arrested a separate 21-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man who are known to the victim.
Naomi was targeted by a woman wearing an Islamic veil as she returned home from her job at the lingerie store.
 Reports over the weekend suggested detectives investigating the crime believed Miss Oni may have been somehow responsible for her own injuries.
Police also seized her laptop and claims emerged that she had looked at websites detailing acid attacks before the incident.

Sheila Maclean, who is a friend of Miss Oni,  said her family was considering making an official complaint to police.
Miss Oni said: ‘I’ve only just come out of hospital after having surgery to my eye. To see this story saying that I’d done it made me so angry and really hurts.
‘There’s no way I would have done this to myself. I want the person who did this to be caught.

Source: Daily Mail UK

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